
Turkey Hunting Forum

Welcome to the Grand Slam Network!

Click here to visit our turkey hunting forum!

We’re a community of (highly addicted) turkey hunters and the host of the top turkey hunting contest on the Internet!  Our turkey hunting forum is filled with useful turkey hunting information for both those learning how to turkey hunt and hard core veterans.

I believe what sets our forum apart from other forums is our newbie friendly environment, and we have professional turkey hunters who enjoy helping you out.  So whether you want to learn about public land turkey hunting opportunities, patterning your shotgun for turkey hunting, or how to become a better turkey caller – we’ve got answers for ya!

Our turkey hunting forum hosts a yearly turkey hunting contest with plenty of prizes consisting of shotguns, turkey calls and turkey vests.  Both the forum and the contest are free to join.  Click here for more information about our 2014 Turkey Hunting Contest.

5 Reasons to Join our Turkey Hunting Forum

  1. We are a newbie friendly forum, so don’t be afraid to ask questions!  See the new member introductions here.
  2. There are many prostaff turkey hunters that hang out on our forum because of the friendly environment.  They’re willing to help you out with turkey hunting tips.
  3. We are a call maker friendly forum, we allow you to post the calls you make so that others can see the custom calls you are selling.
  4. We not only have a forum, but we publish killer turkey hunting articles with tips to help you out this spring.
  5. Because registration is FREE!  Take me to the FORUM!

Take me to the forum!
Middle Georgia Turkey Hunt

Here is what others are saying

Grant from NW GA

For me, while I enjoy many types of hobbies, I look forward to spring turkey hunting more than any other hunting season. That passion for turkey hunting is why GSN was started, with the intentions of being (maybe not the biggest) but the highest quality turkey hunting forum in the Internet. One that is newbie friendly and a comfortable place to hangout a talk turkey.

Through GSN, I’ve been able to meet new friends that I wouldn’t have met other wise, and continue to develop these friendships outside the forum. The decades of turkey hunting experience from our members is impressive and your willingness to help out the new folks really represents what we stand for here at GSN. If that were not enough, our WHAT! WHAT! post may have broken a world record for the number of replies!


A place where I can surround myself with people that have the same passion I do about turkey hunting.


I like GSN mostly because I love talking turkey and turkey hunting with others. There are some great in-depth threads on here and a lot of serious turkey hunters.

I also like the friendly atmosphere and that the guys that run the site are active on it, and continuously work to make the site better and interesting.

Mike – MossyOakPro

I enjoy this forum due to the fact that even when it is not turkey season and we as turkey hunters are having to deer hunt to pass the time we can still have fun and enjoy each others company here. Most(not all) turkey hunters are folks of character and feel like we have a connection with each other….When someone misses…we laugh(or cry) it off with them…..when someone connects…..we rejoice with them. When someone needs a word of encouragement we are there to give it to them.

For these reasons I feel as though I am best friends with a bunch of folks on this forum even though I have never met them outside of this website, but I know I would be honored to share a tree with them any spring.

Todd – Toddman

GSN—It is a place to connect with people who love to do what I Iove to do….hunt turkeys for 3 months and talk about it for 12. No doubt it is a great place to learn & sort out your turkey problems. There also some good healthy fun to be had without folks crossing the line.


While I visit quite a few sites of similar nature, I find myself most likely to participate in the discussions here on GSN. I believe this is due to the friendly and helpful attitude that persists here as opposed to the argumentative know-it-all attitudes that seem to consume many of the other discussion sites.

Every site has a few bad apples (I know y’all are saying “look in the mirror”) but myself aside, GSN seems to have avoided attracting that type of personality as participants.

Here we are able to poke fun at each other without feeling like we are offending them or fear of some moderator overreacting and “dropping the ban hammer” over something that is meant to be just fun…and honestly in order to keep it that way, I feel that the general membership here has been quite conscientious about how we present things. I know there is a certain feeling of obligation inside of me to not negatively “stir things up” here that doesn’t seem to be as strong when visiting other sites that already are quite stirred up.

Even though I have interacted with many of the folks here for many years on other sites, at GSN I have actually gotten to know them both figuratively and literally and I feel very “at home” here. There is very few days that go by throughout the year that I don’t “come home” to check out what is going on here.

Enough already, lets see the forum!

Grant Carmichael
Grand Slam Network
Mossy Oak Pro Staff