Mississippi Turkey Hunts and Guides

Mississippi Turkey – Field Reports
Grand Slam Network Member – Brock Long
Mississippi turkeys are tight lipped on some mornings, but on those bluebird days, they just have to let it rip! Since Katrina hit us so hard, turkey hunting has been tough at times due to loss of habitat and increase in predators. But we are moving in the right direction, or at least we have been for the last 2 years. We have had great hatches here in south MS the last couple of years and gobbling activity was actually favorable last year. Pine plantations and cutovers make up at least 85% of our terrain nowadays, but the pines are getting large enough to thin so habitat is getting better every year – thinned pines is where it is at! Our season runs March 15-May 1 this year and with this crazy weather it’ss hard to tell which part or the season will be the best. Last year, the first 3 weeks was great and the year before it was vice versa. I mainly hunt private land but have friends that got it done on the 3 national forest in this part of the state, De soto, Homochitto and Bienville. If you plan on NF hunting, be ready for pressured birds. Mississippi offers some great WMA quota tueky hunts as well as tons of national forest to hunt. I personally have not hunted north MS but have heard great things about their turkeys exploding up there. For more information check out the MDWFP webpage, it is full of useful info! Good Luck!
Wild Turkey Subspecies
Mississippi MDWFP Links
- Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
- Mississippi Hunting License Purchase
- Mississippi Turkey Species Information
- Mississippi Turkey Hunting License Information
- Mississippi Turkey Hunting Regulations
- Mississippi Turkey Hunting Wildlife Management Area Map
- Mississippi State Parks Map
- Mississippi Turkey Hunting Seasons/Limits
- Mississippi MDWFP District Office Information
- Mississippi NWTF Chapters
Social Links
Mississippi MDWFP Addresses
1505 Eastover Dr.
Jackson, MS 39211